Alexa's first Easter was very fun! I got her ready in the morning and because it was cold we put on a long sleeve shirt and pants under her pretty dress.

After I got her ready and fed and in the car, Alexa and I drove to my Aunt's house to spend Easter with my family. Matthew had to work so it wasn't the same without him, but we still enjoyed the day.

It was fun day! Alexa got Easter presents and she went on an Easter egg hunt. She found 2 dollars! Later on she got hungry so Papa Jeff fed her some boo boo. While eating her
dinner she experienced her first earthquake! She did very well considering it was a rolling one and not a shaking one. It kinda go
t me a little dizzy because it felt like I was on a ship.

After she was fed we came home so we could spend the rest of Easter with her daddy. :) We ate dinner and watched Sweet Home Alabama. After that movie we started to watch one of the Jurassic Park movies. I'm not sure which one it was, but I know it wasn't the first one. We watched it until the baby went down for the night because when you have a baby you need every little second of sleep you can possibly get. Especially when she hates her crib and usually only sleeps in mommy's and daddy's bed. :)
So cute! I love her!
Glad you had a happy Easter, and that we got to talk to you all for a bit!
so cute :)
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