On Tuesday our old friend John, from BBB, called us up and asked if we wanted to go to a Hockey game because he had an extra ticket and we could get another and have a good time. We said sure, why not. Matthew and I have been together for...... well........ 6 years now, and we have not enjoyed each others company at a Hockey game. It was Ducks vs Kings, which is funny cause the last time I went to a Hockey game about 10 years ago it was Ducks vs Kings and it went into overtime so we left cause me and my brother were tired. Even though its
pre-season it was a good game. Within about 5 min. that the game started there was a fight
haha I forgot how much fun those were to watch. All in all there were about 2-3 fights. It was 1 to 1 for a while but in the 2ND period, somehow the Kings were able to get lucky with a shot so it became 2 to 1. Finally in the 3rd period the Ducks scored and the game ended with a tie 2 to 2. Here I was 10 years later with a tied game. The only difference was that I am now 22 and not tired. The clock showed 5 min for the overtime period. Then, with only 1 min and 30 seconds left the Ducks scored and won the game 3 to 2. Personally, I like both the Kings and the Ducks, but since the Ducks are our home team I was on their side. Have you ever done something a long time ago and many years later your doing it and you say to yourself, who would have thought.............. Well after the game that popped into my head. Who would have thought 10 years later I'd be coming back to Ducks vs Kings game at 22 with my Husband who is also my
bestest friend and with our other friends that we didn't even know back then. We didn't even know each other existed. I don't know....... I think about that sometimes. Another funny thing happened at the game. My cousin Phillip, that I went to Vegas for this last weekend, called me in the 2
nd period and asked where I was. I told him that I was at a Hockey game and he said, yeah me too.
Lol I was like what! He told me where he was sitting and he was on the lower level in a suite that his friends uncle had. He was 2 levels lower than I, and we both were on opposite ends of the goal. At half time he walked up and we hugged and said long time no see.
Lol it was crazy we had both went to the game that night. I asked how he knew I was there and he said he saw on
Myspace that I wrote I was going to a Hockey game, and that he called me as soon as he got there. Him and his friend were out at dinner and his friend called his uncle and he said I have to ticket to the game tonight so they popped on over. It was a good surprise. Oh if anyone ever goes to Hockey game always eat before you get there. Our food, no joke, was $30 for 2 burgers and 2 fries and 2 drinks at
Carls Jr. yeah it was crazy expensive. We didn't have time to eat and we didn't think it would be that bad, but now we know! Oh and parking was only $5 it was a good deal. We parked across the street from the Honda Center, you half to walk but its not a bad walk. Last night was a lot of fun!

Two girls raced each other after the 1st period up and down the ice rink in these balls. It was funny. They looked like hamsters. Those girls in black pants were the ice
shoveler's. After every so many min. it would be a time out and the girls would collect the excess ice on the rink for the hockey players.

That's me and Will we sat in his season seats that were higher than our friend Johns seats. In the other pic its my cousins friend Reed. He is standing in his precious suite. They invited us down there, but we didn't want to be rude to our friends. Any seat in the Honda center is good in Matt's and my opinion.

This Blimp came out every now and then dropping coupons or something. It was cute
haha. Phillip and Reed sat at the top after the white part on the left in between the 3rd and 2ND set of stairs from the right.